dijous, 4 de juliol del 2019

VR - Virtual Reality - Google Expeditions

There's a good application to visit several places without going outside school.

This is Google Expeditions that can be downloaded on all smartphones, and used with virtual reality goggles.

Among the 200 expeditions availabe, I choose 5:

1. Visit 7 new wonders of the world, to work global citizenship and culture.
2. A Dickens Christmas, to work on literacy competence and future, present and past tenses.
3. A first look at the College, to practice school parts, material, and routines.
4. A walk through the Museo Nacional de Guadarrama, in case of AICLE lesson together with biology subject.
5. Ancient Egypt, together with Geography and History subject. What a nice way to see how are different places on Earth without the inconveniences of travelling.

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