divendres, 5 de juliol del 2019

Formative assessment in Catalunya

Assessment must be based on Reliability and Validity.

Rubrics represent an objective way to assess students since they have since the very beginning what are they going to be assessed and what do they need to do to achieve the excellent or the expert level in a task.

However, a black side of the rubrics is that they are difficult to be implemented for everyone because usually in every class there are several cases of diversity and special needs students so one single rubric often doesn't fit for every activity or group class.

Anyway, here are some resources and links to help teachers assess in an objective and transparent way.

Blog abg3 Slideshare: La evaluación en la era digital / Assessment in a digital world / Assessment and technology

Book: Shaun Linden "Mobile Learning"

When creating rubrics, it is better if the excellent column is the first one!

Rubrics bank in the Gurb Institute website.

IDoceo App. It is for iOS but it is a teacher agenda and it can be based on Rubrics.

Neus Santmartí: Avaluar per aprendre (Youtube video)

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