divendres, 5 de juliol del 2019

Cardboard camera - vr.jpg

This is a 360° picture,

Reflection on the course

In think this course has been more than I expected. I have learnt many aplications and at the same time I have reflected on how to implement them in my everyday life and in my courses. I found everything very interesting, starting from the teacher who has infinite tools hidden in his sleeve just like a magician! Everything I learnt it will be useful to make my lessons funny, interesting, appealing,  creative and full of ICT tools that students can discover.

Formative assessment in Catalunya

Assessment must be based on Reliability and Validity.

Rubrics represent an objective way to assess students since they have since the very beginning what are they going to be assessed and what do they need to do to achieve the excellent or the expert level in a task.

However, a black side of the rubrics is that they are difficult to be implemented for everyone because usually in every class there are several cases of diversity and special needs students so one single rubric often doesn't fit for every activity or group class.

Anyway, here are some resources and links to help teachers assess in an objective and transparent way.

Blog abg3 Slideshare: La evaluación en la era digital / Assessment in a digital world / Assessment and technology

Book: Shaun Linden "Mobile Learning"

When creating rubrics, it is better if the excellent column is the first one!

Rubrics bank in the Gurb Institute website.

IDoceo App. It is for iOS but it is a teacher agenda and it can be based on Rubrics.

Neus Santmartí: Avaluar per aprendre (Youtube video)

Online quizzes in classrooms

Google Forms



dijous, 4 de juliol del 2019

VR - Virtual Reality - Google Expeditions

There's a good application to visit several places without going outside school.

This is Google Expeditions that can be downloaded on all smartphones, and used with virtual reality goggles.

Among the 200 expeditions availabe, I choose 5:

1. Visit 7 new wonders of the world, to work global citizenship and culture.
2. A Dickens Christmas, to work on literacy competence and future, present and past tenses.
3. A first look at the College, to practice school parts, material, and routines.
4. A walk through the Museo Nacional de Guadarrama, in case of AICLE lesson together with biology subject.
5. Ancient Egypt, together with Geography and History subject. What a nice way to see how are different places on Earth without the inconveniences of travelling.

Augmented Reality

Some of the applications to practise and create with AR are:

Quiver Vision
HP Reveal

My fellow teachers can use AR to create multidisciplinary projects and in an appealing and innovative way.
Here is an example of trigger that can be scanned and make it reveal what the creator has related to it.

dimecres, 3 de juliol del 2019

Video project - iMovie

Chromavid and Green screen app

Today I discovered two applications to travel in few seconds and few material into several places by clicking one button! It is an application that transforms green backgrounds in whatever landscape or environment. Simply amazing to practise oral skills "in situation".

Flip grid - Tutorial

With flip grid you can create a grid and students can upload an explainer video.

Youtube Dubber

Possibilities to use Youtube Dubber
Dub TV series, a Conference after a match, Hamlet's play dubbing the speech into funny discourse, Big Bang theory, Dub Weather forecasting report. To sum up, you can create funny videos with a recorded voice on a original version so make a mashup by playing one youtube video with sound from another.

Voki - My avatar

This is an example of an avatar you can create with the application Voki. Good to use for shy students or simply to create a different lesson. Click here to see my avatar.

Issuu - Upload and share Documents

Today we discovered a nice application to publish and share documents.

Click here to access.

By clicking this link you will access to a publication of mine.

Here is the same document embbeded.

SoundCloud - audio tracks

This is a good application to make audio recording and store it in a visual and ordinated way.
One possible activity for the students is search a picture and record what does this picture inspire you.

XXI Century Learning Skills

Source: Granite schools

XXI Century Skills

Quizlet - Town

Today to start the lesson we played at Quizlet. A kind of a test but collaborative which fosters communication and critical thinking. With this application you can create memory games, flashcards, write what you listen and other interesting activities. There is quizlet.com to sign up and create the tasks, and quizlet.live to enter the code and participate in the activity the teacher suggested.

Click on here to access.

Walkwoke - Create engaging posters

This application is excellent to create engaging posters to tacke social problems.

Click here to access.

Forms with Google Form

It is possible to create forms to ask students their previous knowledge on something, surveys, or tests. Here is an example of a Google Form I created to ask the students about their English level. It would be a good idea to give them this at the beginning of the year.

Cinema for students - Films and resources

Good news for teachers who love cinema!

Here there is a link with many resources related to films.

I would use this material to work in class vocabulary and expressions in context, apart from citizenship and values that can be shown during a film in a further debate. 


Here is an example of what can Slideshare users can upload and share with whoever they want. This example is from Abel Galvez.

dilluns, 1 de juliol del 2019


Keep Calm posters

Here I suggest another interesting ICT tool to generate a kind of meme. The well known Keep Calm posters, and this is my example!

ICT Tool: Keep Calm posters

Memes and learning

The famous adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" is more than 100 years old and many things have changed since then, but it is still in force in our current times. A picture without a message can interpreted in several ways, but if we add few words to a picture maintain the same visual strength but with a more accurate and concise message.
In my lessons I would use memes because it is a fast, easy and funny way to generate reflection and debate among the audience.


ICT tool: Meme generator

Infographic Connectivism

Here you are an infographic about what Connected Learning means. With this philosophy we can do and learn big things!

English Speaking Countries

There are many people all around the world that speak English as their primary language. It is the majority language or official language of many nations worldwide. There is a long list of countries where English has been designated as the de jure official language. This simply means that it is legally recognized to be the official language. In some cases, English may be the official language but may not be the primary language. This means that English can be used in business, education and on official documents but may not be the primary language of the majority of its residents. This is the case of nations like India and Pakistan
India is the most populous nation with English as its official language with a population of over 1 billion people. The smallest nation where English is an official language is Niue, which has a population of just
1,600 people.

Resources British Council

First of all I want to share a link to excellent resources aimed to learn English online.

You can go there by clicking here.

Welcome to my Blog

I hope you enjoy everything inside here. The aim of this Blog is creating a room where you can browse and share material, so feel free to suggest interesting content and share it with as many people as you know!